The impact of alcohol on your body begins when you take your first drink. Taking alcohol once in a while constitutes no problem. However, it becomes a cause for concern when you take it regularly without warning. Alcohol addiction is the end-results of alcohol abuse. And the effects of alcohol is different across persons. […]
Identifying signs of addiction in teenagers
For parents and guardians, it is crucial for you to know when your teenager is addicted and how to help them. These days, teenagers are exposed to various addiction forms particularly alcohol and drugs, and they pick up the addictive habit that remains with them. One of the primary signs of addiction in teenagers is […]
Adolescent Addiction Treatment
The number of adolescents addicted to drugs has continued to increase. In fact more and more adolescents need successful addiction treatment every day to handle a variety of substance abuse issues. When handling adolescent addiction treatment it is important that the drug rehab center have a high success rate with treating adolescents as well as […]
Marijuana abuse among young teens is particularly disturbing for a variety of reasons. Among them is the fact that marijuana often serves as a gateway drug to harder drugs, and that this drug, which many mistakenly believe is safe to use, has a harmful effect on the developing mind. For these reasons the findings of a […]
Teen Drug Abuse
Is there a teen in your life that is struggling with drug abuse? If so, then you are not alone, and there is help available. Teen drug abuse is a mounting problem for our society, unfortunately. Research has found that half of all new drug users are under the age of majority. Teen drug abuse […]
Alcoholism Addiction Treatment
Alcoholism has a number of prominent symptoms, and each of these symptoms and/or their root causes will need to be addressed by treatment within any luxury rehab center. The most obvious signs of alcoholism or alcohol addiction are physical dependence and craving. When the body becomes accustomed to a substance entering its system over a […]
Hydrocodone Addiction
Are you or someone you love struggling with Hydrocodone addiction? If so, then you are not alone. The 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that among Americans 12 years of age and older, 6.3 million have abused prescription medication in the prior 30 days. Many of these people end up developing a […]